Tuesday, January 26, 2010

TUESDAY 100126

Clean, 1 rep
Bench press, 1 rep
Overhead squat, 1 rep

Clean is from the ground, power or squat.

Post total to comments.


  1. skipped the clean because my back is in bad shape.

    bench press - 225 - 235 - 240 (with a little help from my spotter) overhead squat - 95 - 115- 135

    then did the crossfit football wod for the day:
    shoulder press 5x1 -
    95-105-115-135-135 (with a little help)

    strict pull ups max reps x 5:

    10x 50 yard sprints, 30 seconds rest in btwn, avg time was 8
    seconds. great day.

  2. clear 135 (felt i could go more but my shoulders were bothering me).

    bench 225 (probably could have done more without the tweaked shoulders).

    overhead squat 75 (first time i did them, i need to practice my form).
