Saturday, August 27, 2011

Saturday August 27, 2011

Filthy 50

50 Box Jumps (24/20)
50 Jumping Pull Ups
50 KB Swings (1 pood/25 pounds)
50 Walking Lunges
50 Knees to Elbows
50 Push Press (45/35)
50 Hip Extensions / Stiff Legged Deadlift (95/65)
50 Wallball Shots (20/14)
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders

1 comment:

  1. 27.48 (single unders)

    too exhausted to do DUs. wall balls were slow but really hit a wall with the burpees. total suckfest. goal was sub 30 though so mission accomplished.

    next time goal is sub 25.
